In tune with the policy of Sanjeev Institute of Planning and Management to ensure better services to the students, Grievance Redressal committee and Online Grievance Redressal Mechanism has been formed with the guidelines of UGC and AICTE. This committee deals with the grievances of the students and staff. The details of the committee are furnished below.
Periodicity and attendance at meetings:
The grievance committee will meet as and when required. However, if necessary, it may meet more frequently at the instance of the chairman or at the request of the other members to discuss the various issues received.
If a member of the grievance committee is connected with the grievance of the aggrieved individual, the concerned member of the grievance committee shall not participate in the deliberations regarding that individual’s case.
If the aggrieved person happens to be a member of the grievance committee, then he/she shall not participate in the deliberations as a member of the committee when his/ her representation is being considered. The students are the main stakeholders in any institution imparting education, and its our endeavour to make all efforts to ensure transparency in all the activities at different stages.
Grievances may broadly include the following complaints of the aggrieved students.
1. Academic
2. Non-Academic
3. Grievance related to Assessment
4. Grievance related to victimization
5. Grievance related to attendance
6. Grievance related to charging of fees
7. Grievance regarding conducting of Examinations
8. Harassment by colleague students or the teachers etc.
Grievance Redressal Mechanism
The students may feel free to put up a grievance in written or in the format available in the admin office/ drop in the grievance boxes / Fill the form available in the website of the college for online grievance mechanism. Grievance redressal mechanism as follows.
The Grievance Redressal Committee shall consider the appeal of the student and make appropriate recommendations to the chairperson within a reasonable time, preferably within 15 days.
While dealing with the complaint, the committee at all levels shall observe law of natural justice and hear the complainant and concerned people.
While passing an order on any grievance at any level, the relevant provisions of the Act/Regulations would be kept in mind and no such order would be passed in contradiction of the same.
The aggrieved member shall submit his/her petition to the chairman, grievance redressal committee in a sealed envelope marked “confidential”.
In case of false and frivolous complaint (if proved), the grievance redressal committee will recommend chairperson to take appropriate action against the complainant.
On approval by the chairperson of the committee, the final decision shall be communicated to the student.